Locality Neighbourhood Planning Enquiry Form

Contact/Group Information

If you are a Parish or Town Council you have to lead on the plan so therefore please name that as the organisation rather than using the name of your area. Ie Locality Parish Council rather than Locality neighbourhood plan.

Please ensure you add the full formal name of your organisation, i.e. do not use acronyms or "&".
If you have previously applied to us for support please ensure you use the exact same organisation name and that there are no spaces at the end of the organisation name.

If not applicable, please put "Individual" as your organisation name.

Confirmation of your submission will be sent to this address.

*This could be anything such as a local town hall or church etc.

Examples of reference numbers are NPG-00000 (for Grant) and DR-00000 (for Technical Support). This will help us to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible.

Please select the option which is most suited to your enquiry.

From time to time we’d like to send you information by email.

Thank you for your enquiry. Please click "Submit" to complete.

We will aim to be in touch within the next two working days.