Locality Convention '24 Bursary Application Form

Gain skills, get informed and be inspired at Locality Convention '24 with a bursary place. 


To be eligible to receive a bursary applicants should be all the following: 
  • Represent an organisation that supports people from racialised or other marginalised communities, 
  • Not have received a bursary for Locality'22 or Locality’23,
  • Unable to otherwise afford tickets and expenses to join us at Convention
  • Be willing to contribute a short blog on an aspect of Convention for our website following the event 
Included in the bursary: 
  • One free Convention delegate ticket (for both days)  
  • A contribution of up to £200 towards your travel and accommodation costs (if required). This will be paid by invoice after your attendance at the event.
Bursary applications will be accepted and assessed on a rolling basis. All bursaries are provided at the discretion of the Membership Manager.

If you have any questions about applying for a bursary, please email members@locality.org.uk.  

Please enter the full legal name of your organisation without any punctuation or acronyms.

About the opportunity

As a reminder your organisation needs to be supporting people from racialised or other marginalised communities and unable to otherwise afford tickets and expenses to join us at convention.

Maximum bursary amount £200
What is the estimated breakdown of your expenses?

Once you have submitted this form, we will assess your application. We'll aim to get back to you within 10 working days to update you on your application.  Bursaries will be allocated on a rolling basis until all the funding has been used up. 

Questions? Please contact members@locality.org.uk  - we'll be happy to help.

You're done! Please submit the form.

Thank you!